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  • What customers say

    5 / 5


    My daughter Jodie loves these labels seeing her name everywhere. And yes, we do have the sticky labels also. I know she does, because she likes to say “I’m serious mom, i don't loose anything anymore” all the time. But, to be fair, my daughter is not even four years old yet. She has a lot of screwy opinions on a lot of things. Thanks for your help Label and Co. Love Nicole

Christmas Stocking Labels 9 pcs

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Christmas Stocking Labels 9 pcs

Nostalgic Christmas Stocking

Labels, how cool is that?!

More details

6,50 €

Set of 8 vinyl Christmas Stocking Labels, in white with a colored print 

 Quick and easy to apply on a flat surface

 Dishwasher, microwave, freezer and UV resistant

★ Mark in a funny way your gifts

 Special shape make them stick better

 White edge around the label

★ Size: approx 70 x 70 mm

★ Maximum number of characters per line: 16

★ Layout is similar to image

"Think, Create and Recognize"

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