Durable materials
Ad-free labels
Own production, fast shipping
Free delivery from € 30,-
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Ik maak zelf jam en op de potjes heb ik een deugdelijke sticker nodig die tegen plakkerigheid kan. Deze dus. Erg handig, leuke prijs. Vriendelijke groetjes,
If you order something from us, we need some information from you. LABEL&CO also protects personal data from customers and visitors which is very important to us. If you order products with us, we will need some of your personal details for processing the order, such as your name, billing address and shipping address, place of residence and a correct email address. We do not process temporary or disposable email addresses.
For what
LABEL&CO only needs the data to process your order. We will never share this information with third parties unless this is inevitable for processing your order, such as a mail (courier). After all, they need to know where the products should be delivered.
Any other information can be entered freely, such as a date of birth or telephone number if you want us to be able to keep in touch with you. You can adjust all data yourself and if you do not want us to keep the data for the benefit of the order history, please send us a message by mail, then we will arrange that for you.
Your internet browser always communicates with the LABEL&CO server through a secure SSL connection. Transaction data is encrypted and this data will not be viewed by third parties.
The transaction data concerns the need-to-know data, a wan-ip address, date and time. We do not keep records of bank / financial data ourselves. This is entirely at the banks and payment providers. That is truly safe right.
Product reviews or Google reviews:
Our reviews can only be placed by customers themselves after a completed order. These are either product reviews or through Google (company) reviews.
We do not pay for reviews, blog websites and fake test websites:
No money or service is paid for reviews, nor for affiliate marketing - paid blog websites where so-called product and/or company tests are done, via price comparison sites, bloggers, social networks and communities, email marketing, display marketing or whatever fancy marketing name there is. is also given to entice customers to make purchases, for example based on advertising material supplied by the seller to the blogger or website owner. So also not with Awin, Bol.com, Coolblue and Wehkamp partner programs, Daisycon, TradeTracker, TradeDoubler, PayPro, and the like.
Freedom of placement:
If customers want to post a review elsewhere, they are completely free to do so. We have no influence on that. Product reviews can be placed on the basis of an email address and name in which the latter are partially anonymized on the basis of privacy legislation (see our privacy policy). We do not do anything with this data, do not interfere with the content and if the customer wants to withdraw the product review, this is possible with a brief message.
We can ask the customer for a review, but will not forcefully remind the customer, such as Trustpilot, Trustedshops, Yotpro etc.
Freedom of refusal:
Product reviews with inappropriate language, links in name and URL to other websites, such as competition, data other than a name such as address and the like, and reviews that are too long can be refused. We will also act if such reviews are placed at Google in accordance with its policy.
Reviews are owned and managed by LABEL&CO.
You can easily (un)subscribe from a newsletter in your personal account.
For the correct processing of your order, a cookie is stored in your Internet browser. Our cookies do not contain personal information and are only used for an order for products in LABEL&CO.
Are there any questions? Please don't hesitate to ask us. Use our contact page for our data.