Durable materials
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Prima labels. Ik was al bekend met Label en co. Een tevreden klant komt dan snel weer hier terug. Aan te bevelen!
Social responsibility is important for LABEL&CO. We are aware of our qualities and don't only use these for our own interest. LABEL&CO invests part of its creativity and productivity in the social environment.
Therefore we support Kika ('Kinderen Kankervrij' Kids Cancer Free, a Dutch organization for children with cancer) such as direct contributions, the direct support and own investment of promotional material and publicize them, also in collaboration with other providers. We also help the environment active supporting the WWF. As a customer you don't need to do anything else: you automatically contribute and will also be rewarded being one.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means that in addition focus on economic objectives also take account of people and the environment.
We use the best durable materials at LABEL&CO. This makes the production and all its operations more efficient. I.e, compared with regular long lasting "printing" ink, is that our ink do not contain harmful components not fur human and environment. There are no detergents needed and there's no unpleasant odor released during the production process. So an additional air outlet for energy is also spared. Waste and paper are separated and vinyl remnants are presented separately for garbage processing.
Furthermore, we are very aware of the importance of simple measures like automatically turning off (unnecessary) lighting, automated CH, or producing regularly, so the equipment is not unnecessary turned on. Of course we have rush orders or special orders but we combine these daily. Also mail is looked after. Our mail is handled with Netset2. In this way we save the environment extra.
Our operations are highly automated and we use our techniques by using the ISO 9000:2001 quality management system. We finally opt for sustainability, out of concern for the quality of life of future generations.